A woman smiling during sunset by the waterfront with the XYMOGEN logo juxtaposed on top

Imagine a world where people are healthier tomorrow than they are today.

A smiling woman holding a supplement capsule

Shop our full catalog of formulas

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New! ProbioMax Spore by XYMOGEN

Discover the uniqueness of spore-based probiotics

Aid your digestive health with spore-forming probiotic strains encased in a unique protective coating to help actively support a healthy gut microbiome.*

A family enjoying the outdoors during winter with XYMOGEN's HistDAO and D3 Liquid formulas display next to them

Boost your first-line defenses*

Keep your immune system strong all year long with the powerful vitamins, minerals, herbs, and antioxidants found in our evidence-based formulas.*

K2-D3 5000 by XYMOGEN

Have you checked on your heart recently?

This Heart Health Month, give a little extra TLC to your ticker, and explore our full line of cardiovascular health supplements designed to keep your heart healthy and strong.*

  • Elizabeth Greenfield, MS, RN, CRNA
    “I use XYMOGEN almost exclusively because the product line has a fantastic protocol for everything imaginable. I love the available research on these products. They are truly top of the line.”
    Elizabeth Greenfield, MS, RN, CRNA
    IFM-Certified Professional
    XYMOGEN In-Network Healthcare Professional
  • Nancy Eklund, MD
    “XYMOGEN’s manufacturing standards are superlative, and the company's integrity is unquestionable. I know I can trust that the ingredients are exactly what I prescribe.”
    Nancy Eklund, MD
    Founder of the Miami Center for Holistic Healing
    XYMOGEN In-Network Healthcare Professional

Browse by health category

Higher standards

We stand for quality you can trust. We continually seek out premium ingredients from the best suppliers to deliver professional formulas that exceed industry standards.
Clean labels. Fresh supplements. Our manufacturing and warehousing space is environmentally controlled. Ingredients and finished formulas are always handled and stored correctly, ensuring clean, fresh supplements for you.

Our formulas come in single-serving pouches, stick packs, bottles, and dose and blister packaging, providing added convenience and the highest level of confidence in the integrity of our formulas.

XYMOGEN is committed to maintaining your trust. We gladly offer certificates of analysis on request. Our GMP certification through industry-recognized NSF means that we keep our facility exceptionally clean with strict adherence to procedure, meaning XYMOGEN professional formulas stand out in a class of their own.

Trusted by the

Our formulas are trusted by renowned integrative healthcare professionals. Just like them, we care about your health and well-being. Our rigorous quality assurance, on-premises quality control laboratory testing for identity, strength, quality, and purity, environmental-controlled warehouse, and restricted distribution ensure that what it says on the label is in the bottle.
Our Quality

Educational resources

Looking for more information to support your wellness journey? Check out XYMOGEN Magazine for insights from functional practitioners, exercise tips, healthy recipes, and even a brain stretch with our wellness-themed crossword puzzles.

XYMOGEN magazine